Code of Ethics of the Journal for Contemporary Education – InspirED Teachers’ Voice

Code of Ethics

Members of the Editorial Board of the Journal for Contemporary Education – InspirED Teachers' Voice supervise the application of ethical standards in scientific research and publishing work and are responsible for preserving the ethics of the journal's publisher – the Institute for Contemporary Education. Supervision includes detailed control over plagiarism and submission of incorrect information and copyright infringement, as well as reporting, correction, and removal of papers and other steps.

If the Editorial Board detects a violation of ethical principles, i.e. that an already published work contains false data, the paper will be revised or removed, and this will be clearly stated in the journal.


Plagiarism, defined as the appropriation of other people's ideas, words or other forms of creative expression and presentation, and presenting them as one's own, is a serious violation of scientific and publishing ethics. Plagiarism can involve copyright infringement, which is a criminal offence. Plagiarism includes the following behaviors:

  • taking or almost literally paraphrasing (to conceal plagiarism) parts of the texts of other authors without clearly indicating the original source or marking the copied fragments (for example, using quotation marks);
  • copying formulas, photos or tables from other people's works without proper citation of the source and without permission of the author or copyright owner to use them.

We advise authors to check each paper for plagiarism. Papers that clearly show signs of plagiarism will be rejected. Also, the Editorial Board uses PlagScan software and other programs to check the originality of scientific and professional works, after they have received positive reviews.

If it is discovered that the paper has already been published in the journal InspirED Teachers' Voice, it will be withdrawn according to the method specified in the section "Withdrawal of Papers", and the authors will be prohibited from publishing in the journal in the future. Authors will also be required to send a written apology to the authors of the original work.

Withdrawal of Papers

The processes of withdrawing and removing articles should not be taken lightly and should only be used in rare circumstances. The primary reason for withdrawing or removing a paper is the necessity to correct the error in order to maintain scientific integrity, not the desire to punish the authors.

Articles that have been accepted for publication but have not yet been properly published are usually withdrawn. For example, suppose an article is found to contain errors, false copyright claims, submitted to multiple journals at the same time, plagiarized, fraudulently manipulates data, violates the rights of publishers, copyright holders, or authors, or otherwise constitutes a serious violation of the professional code of ethics and guidelines for publication in the journal InspirED Teachers' Voice. In that case, such work must be "withdrawn" even before publication.

Published articles will be current, accurate and unchanged for as long as possible. However, there may be circumstances in which an already published article must be removed: if there are subsequent errors that need to be corrected, if there is a violation of legal restrictions by the publisher, copyright owner, or author, or if there is a violation of a professional code of ethics, such as multiple submissions, false claims of authorship, plagiarism, data fraud, etc. Several libraries and scholarly bodies have developed standards for removing an article from an online database. Their best practices have been adopted by IME: the content of the article (HTML and PDF) is removed and replaced with a page (HTML and PDF) stating that the article has been withdrawn in accordance with the guidelines for withdrawing articles from the journal, with a link to the current policy document.

On the recommendation of the scientific community, the author or Editorial Board may withdraw the article, in accordance with good practice.

Reporting violations of ethical standards and evaluating allegations

Any individual or institution may at any time report violations of ethical norms and other irregularities to the editors and editorial staff and provide relevant information/evidence.

The procedure for checking the applications, i.e. the analysis of the presented evidence, is initiated by the Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the Editorial Board. Any evidence produced during such proceedings shall be considered confidential and shall be presented only to those directly participating in the proceedings.

Authors and reviewers suspected of violating ethical norms will be allowed to respond to reports against them. If irregularities are discovered, it will be determined whether they represent a minor offense or a major violation of ethical standards.


Minor offense

Cases of minor offenses will be resolved in a direct dialogue with the authors or reviewers who committed the offense, without the intervention of third parties; e.g:

  • a warning for the author/reviewer who committed a minor offense because of a misunderstanding or misapplication of academic standards;
  • a warning letter to the author/reviewer who committed a minor offense.

Evident violation of ethical principles

The Editor-in-Chief makes decisions on serious violations of ethical standards in cooperation with the Editorial Board if he deems it necessary, and if necessary, also in cooperation with the expert committee assembled for that occasion.

The following measures can be taken (individually or simultaneously):

  • writing a statement or explanation describing the case of ethical misconduct;
  • sending an official notification to the author/reviewer;
  • withdrawing the published paper according to the procedure described in the section "Withdrawal of Papers";
  • the authors will be prohibited from publishing their works in the journal indefinitely or permanently;
  • informing the relevant professional organizations or competent authorities about the case so that the necessary actions can be taken.

The journal's Editorial Board is guided by the standards and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Open Access

The open-access version of InspirED Teachers' Voice is available to everyone. Articles published in the journal can be freely downloaded and distributed for educational and non-commercial purposes from the journal's website. Articles downloaded from the journal's website for free must be used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Serbia license.


By submitting papers, the authors agree to the following copyright policy. Authors reserve all rights if the paper is not approved for publication in the journal InspirED Teachers' Voice. However, once an article is accepted, the authors waive certain rights in favor of the publisher.

In short, authors grant the publisher the right to publish the article, to be listed as the first publisher of the article in the event of subsequent use of the work, and to distribute it in all forms and media. In particular, the publisher receives the following non-exclusive rights to the paper, including any supplementary materials and any parts, extracts or elements of the paper:

  • the right to reproduce and distribute the paper, including the right to print on demand;
  • the right to publish draft copies of the paper, reprints and special editions;
  • the right to have the paper translated into other languages;
  • the right to reproduce the paper using photomechanical or similar means, including but not limited to photocopying, and to distribute such reproductions;
  • the right to reproduce and distribute the paper electronically or optically on any data carrier or storage medium, including hard disk, CD-ROM, DVD and Blu-ray disc (BD), in any format, and the right to reproduce and distribute the paper from these data carriers;
  • the right to store the paper in databases, including online databases, as well as the right to transmit the document to any technical system and in any way;
  • the right to make the paper available to the public or local groups of users on an individual basis for use on monitors or other readers (including e-book readers), and in a form that allows the user to print via the Internet, as well as use other online services or internal or external networks.

Authors have the same rights as third parties to use the article under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Serbia license.

The authors, however, retain the following copyrights over the published article: the right to translate the article into another language, to use it in compilations of their works, to use it in a doctoral dissertation or monograph, for both commercial and non-commercial purposes, provided they state that the new work is a derivative of the article published in the EdTech Journal and provide the DOI of the published article in the form of an HTML link, and/or the URL location where the article was published.

Policy on privacy

Names, surnames and email addresses entered on the journal's website will be used solely for the purposes of this journal and will not be made available to a third party for any other reason.


The views presented in the published works do not represent the views of the journal's Editorial Board. The authors accept legal and moral responsibility for the ideas of the articles. In the event that any claim for damages is made, the publisher shall not be held legally liable. Neither the publisher nor the Editor-in-Chief is responsible for possible errors in the software for checking the originality of articles, i.e. undetected plagiarism.